Below is a copy of our By-Laws and the Covenants and Restrictions. Also included on this page are the treasury reports, latest newsletters, and a membership application.
By-Laws for Three Rivers Estates
Restrictions and Covenants
Deed Restrictions
TREPO Board Meeting Hodor Park Fort White, FL 32038 AGENDA March 15, 2022 7:00pm Call to order Invocation Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag Roll call Request Board to approve excused members Approve agenda Approve September minutes Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report President’s Report Maintenance Committee Report [...]
TREPO Board Meeting Hodor Park Fort White, FL 32038 AGENDA February 8, 2022 7:00pm 1) Call to order 2) Invocation 3) Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag 4) Roll call 5) Request Board to approve excused members 6) Approve agenda 7) Approve September minutes 8) Secretary’s Report 9) Treasurer’s Report 10) President’s Report 11) Maintenance Committee Report 12) Communications Committee Report 13) Discussion/Action Items a) Park Committee [...]
Trepo Minutes from October 12, 2021 Meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:00pm. Invocation by John Bryant and pledge of Allegiance by the Chairman. Roll Call: All members present except for, Sassy Johnson, Charlee Thompson, Lisa Kirby, Joan Nano, and Phyl Rea. The position of Vice President is vacant. John Bryant made a motion to approve Phyl Rea from the meeting and was second by Charlie Arnett. No one apposed, motion passed. A motion was made by John Bryant to approve the [...]
Please tell us what you think. Poll closes at 5PM today 3/24/2020 The poll is closed, thank you for your participation. The Board has voted to leave the Boat Ramps open but close the other parks. Anyone using the boat ramps does so at their own risk. Please do not congregate in groups. Also, the Boat Ramp is for launching boats, not other activities.
The April Board Meeting will be canceled due to Corona virus. We can't take any chances with too many people in the Club House and want to keep the public safe.
The BBQ was great, good food and good friends all gathered together and had some fun. Thank you everyone who came out and thank you everyone who helped make this a super fun event. The members voted NO on the new bylaws so there will be no change to the bylaws at this time.
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