• Agenda February 8th 2022

  • TREPO Board Meeting

    Hodor Park
    Fort White, FL 32038 AGENDA
    February 8, 2022 7:00pm


    1) Call to order

    2) Invocation

    3) Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag

    4) Roll call

    5) Request Board to approve excused members

    6) Approve agenda

    7) Approve September minutes

    8) Secretary’s Report

    9) Treasurer’s Report

    10) President’s Report

    11) Maintenance Committee Report

    12) Communications Committee Report

    13) Discussion/Action Items

    a) Park Committee report; Tom Trammel
    b) Camera Security; Charlee Thompson

    14) New Business

    15) Old Business

    16) Open property owner comments to the Board
    a) Time limit of 2-minutes per person

    17) Next Meeting: March 8th

    18) Adjourn