On Saturday 1/23/2021 the locks were changed on all the keyed parks. Please use your new key when enjoying the parks.
Meeting, May 30 @ 10:00 at the big pavilion at Hodor Park to discuss "No Wake Zones on Santa Fe River" Please attend, we hope to see everyone there.
The Board has voted to leave the Boat Ramps open but close the other parks. Anyone using the boat ramps does so at their own risk. Please do not congregate in groups. Also, the Boat Ramp is for launching boats, not other activities.
In the interest of public safety we have decided to close the parks. This was not a decision we took lightly however we feel at this time that it's the responsible thing to do. "It’s a hard decision to make. The State Parks are closed now and the majority of the Board feels we should shut down. We have to err on the side of caution. I don’t like it either but with all the other things going on, it seems the responsible thing to do." -Big John
We are sorry to say that we have to cancel the spring picnic due to the corona virus that is spreading across the nation. We love our neighbors more than picnics and want to make sure everyone is safe. Thanks for understanding.
Saturday 2/1/2020 at 9:30 AM at Point Park to help put up the new fence. You have asked for volunteer work here is your chance to help your community. Come on out and let's have some fun with this.
Invoices have been delayed getting out this year. They should be arriving by January 1. Dues ($100) can be sent to TREPO, PO Box 148, Fort White, FL 32038. Please put your member number on your check. Keys can be picked up at the Clubhouse on January 25 from 9:00 – 1:00. Locks will be changed that date also. Keys not picked up Jan 25 will be mailed. Thanks Big John
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