TREPO Board Meeting February 6, 2018 (approved March 6, 2018)
Board Members Present: Joan Nano, Marcus Morgan, Laura Dailey, Tom Tramel, Glen Hunter, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Phylis Rea, Mike Wilson
Board Members Absent: John Bryant (excused), Carlee Thompson (excused)
Officers Present: Victoria Imm, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson, Linda Hizer
Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Charlie Arnett
Alternates Absent: Sassy Johnson (excused)
Guests: Dusty Trail, Terry Downs, Larry Clifford, Karen Faunce
Joan Nano called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance and the prayer.
Secretary’s Report: Linda Hizer called roll and passed out the minutes to the January meeting. The Board approved the minutes.
Treasury Report: Marcus Morgan questioned how the treasury report reflected the 40% targeted for reserves and the 60% targeted for yearly projects (approved by the Board at the special Board meeting called November 28, 2017). Evelyn Johnson agreed that a special meeting should be called to address how to show it properly in the records. The treasury report was tabled until next month.
Marcus Morgan and Joan Nano also questioned what amount was spent on remodeling the A-Frame and where were the receipts. Glenn Hunter reported that $6,900 had been budgeted for the project with an additional $3, 000 for completion of electrical work, but the amount spent was around $8,383, and they were actually under budget. Joan Nano suggested better record keeping and planning in the future to make things more visible for the Board and TREPO members. Tommy Tramel suggested that a meeting be held before the Board meeting to hash out this type of problem. Joan Nano stated that this was the intention but the regular financial meeting had been canceled due to various illnesses.
Membership Report: Charlie Arnett reported 559 paid members, 435 for CC and 134 for SC. 39 of those are new members (27 CC and 12 SC). A motion was made and passed to send out a second invoice to previous members.
Park Management Report CC: Jule McGee reported that the “you are here sign” on highway 27 needs to be replaced (SC) and there were stumps that needed to be ground. A motion was made and approved for up to $1,000 to be used for park maintenance for Jule McGee. Receipts are to be turned in to treasurer.
Park Management Report SC: John Bryant was not present due to surgery. Vicki Imm reported on the investigation of getting lights and fencing for the SC parks (provided 3 bids for fencing). A motion was made and passed for up to $2,000 to be used to have a light put up at Brennan Park. Jule McGee offered the use of post and fencing stored at Hodor Park. The expenditure for fencing was tabled until an estimate could be made to include the used post and fencing.
Newsletter Report: Karen Faunce discussed the March newsletter. She advised the letter show the menu and special events for the April 14th picnic. Articles need to be turned in to her by March 2 for the newsletter to go to the printer March 8 and be ready to be mailed on March 15th. She suggested Laura Dailey write an article on the environment, Karen Mullins on gardening tips, Joan Nano on the state of TREPO, Evelyn Johnson the ending 2017 P and L statement and 2018 proposed budget including savings, park chairman reports, by-law committee report, membership report, and comments from the president. Another suggestion was to include an article about Paul’s health. Joan Nano will check with Melba regarding this.
Old Business:
The Board voted to keep Peloni as our Portable Toilet provider, servicing our toilets twice a week through the months of May, June, July and August (Boat Ramp Park, Point Park, Mid-Point Park, Bridge Park, and Camping Park) and once a week through the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, and April. Newer toilets will be placed in our parks toward the end of February. Each toilet will be pumped out, scrubbed with brush and cleaning solution, rinsed, chemicals put in toilet, deodorized, and toilet paper provided when serviced each time. Service date will be recorded on toilet. Periodic outside cleaning will be provided. If any problems arise, Charlie or Cliff Peloni are to be notified. TREPO volunteers will check toilets to maintain integrity of service.
Charlie Arnett reported the lights in woman’s bathroom are working and work is not completed on the leak in men’s bathroom. Joan Nano and Michael Wilson are going to help Mr. Cameron finish cleaning up his yard next to Point Park. Glenn Hunter is working on getting rocks for Boat Ramp Park.
By-laws and deed restrictions have been approved by lawyer and are ready for next step. By-laws will need to be mailed to every paid TREPO member. Deed restrictions will need to be mailed to everyone owning property in Three Rivers (approximately 3,500 lots). The next step was tabled for a future meeting.
New Business:
Group A Board members, alternates, and officers are up for re-election November 2018.
Application forms were passed out to people who wanted to run.
Open Forum: The floor was offered to anyone.
A motion was made and seconded for adjournment.