There are many rumors floating around the rivers of TREPO. Some are true, some are just funny, and some are damaging to our way of life due to a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict between our members.
This page was made in hopes to clear up the rumors so if you have heard any juicy gossip or just want to clear something up let us know so we can get to the bottom of it.
Disclaimer: The findings of the rumors are posted with the rumor and current as of the date of posting. If the rumor becomes true or untrue later then the findings will be off.
The Rumor: You are not allowed to sit at the large or small pavilion without a reservation The Facts: Anyone is welcome to use the pavilions. If they are having a private gathering they can reserve the pavilions for themselves. If there is not a reservation online it is first come first serve. Where did the rumor come from? This one was sent to us on FB
The Rumor: There is a place on the corner of Newark and Copperhead and they’ve got cement pads and they’re going to have multiple camping spaces are going to start renting out. The Facts: The guy who owns the property at Copperhead and Newark is from Wisconsin and is building a house on one of the properties. He is using the spots for vehicle parking as well as his family's personal campers (no more than 4 months a year until the house is built in accordance [...]
The Rumor: The Secretary was asked to turn in all membership materials to the board The facts: Due to the keys not shipping out to the members in time and the members demanding that something is done about the membership team, the Board voted to take on the responsibility of the membership. The Policies and Procedures for TREPO Key Distribution were not followed by the membership team which caused many members to become locked out of the parks. As such the board asked the [...]
The Rumor: The Board has not filed TREPO tax returns for several years The Facts: It is TRUE that taxes have not been paid by TREPO since Joan Nano took the Chairman position so that has been several years. ** This is not intended to say that Joan is responsible for this oversight, only to show the timeline. ** This was recently brought to the attention of the board and the board directed the current Chairman Glenn Hunter to work with a CPA to get the issue resolved. Glenn [...]
The Rumor: The Emergency Meeting on 2-11-21 was NOT legal The Facts: The false information regarding the previously called special meeting needs to be addressed. The chairman according to Article 2 sec 5 States he “May” call a special meeting period. The next sentence says upon request of 4 board members he Shall call a special meeting. Two different cases of what is required are May or may not. The second is shall, provides something that he has to do no option. For [...]
The Rumor: The Board Members Get Paid The facts: All Board members and Officers are volunteers, happy to help the community in any way that they can. The Board members have different talents and backgrounds that when put together on a team they can do some pretty awesome work for their neighbors. Where did the rumor come from? Sometimes a Board Member has to pick up supplies, lumber to fix a bench, bathroom tissue for the restrooms, etc. When this happens they turn in a [...]
The Rumor: The Board is Raising the Dues The facts: The board has no intention of raising the dues at this time. This issue was last brought up on August 7th, 2018 when 7 out of 10 board members voted NOT to raise dues. The Board of Directors has not talked about raising the dues since that date. Where did the rumor come from? We are unsure where it started but we have been seeing this rumor on Social Media for a few months now and there has been some outburst from people at [...]
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