TREPO Board Meeting April 3, 2018 (approved May 1, 2018)
Board Members Present: Joan Nano, John Bryant, Laura Dailey, Tom Tramel, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
Board Members Absent: Marcus Morgan (excused), Glenn Hunter (excused), Phyllis Rea (excused)
Officers Present: Victoria Imm, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson, Linda Hizer
Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson (brought forward to replace Marcus Morgan and Glenn Hunter)
Alternates Absent: Charlie Arnett (excused)
Guests: Terry Downs, Don Mohn, Larry Clifford, Hilda Gilchrist, Lynn Martin, Bill Martin
Joan Nano called the meeting to order at approximately 7:04 p.m. Joan led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mike Wilson said the prayer. Linda Hizer called roll.
Secretary’s Report: Linda Hizer passed out the minutes to the March meeting and the agenda to the April meeting. The minutes were reviewed by the Board and passed.
Treasury Report: Evelyn Johnson reviewed the March P and L and Reconciliation statement. The Board passed the Treasury report. Evelyn clarified garbage duty pay would be $50 weekly only during summer season. She also shared additional money had been included in one member’s check to include a contribution to the gate greeters. Joan Nano asked about one member’s calling to relay that her/his membership fee is paid one year in advance. (George Finger/Ellen Bernhardt, key #1355, paid 11/30/17 but has not received keys.)
Membership Report: Charlie Arnett was not present so an e-mail was sent to report a total of 670 paid members: 520 CC/150 SC 52 new members: 36 CC /16 SC approximately 23 more to be processed
Park Management Report CC: Jule McGee recognized Mr. and Mrs. Martin in the audience and thanked Mr. Martin for taking care of our gate locks.
He stated that the holes at Mid-Point Park are still in process of being filled. He also stated a need to get with Mr. Burnsed about the electrical wiring at Point Park.
Jule expressed a need for more greeter volunteers, especially at Point Park, and suggested advertisement on the website and newsletter. Joan Nano stated there would be a training session for gate greeters by Tom Tramel at the clubhouse on May 17th at 6:00 p.m. She also relayed the possibility of Regina Severence helping with gate greeter duty at Point Park. Jessie Crane may also be available. Joan Nano and Linda Hizer will be coordinating gate greeter coverage of Point Park and Hodor Park this summer.
A Security Committee was formed to include: Charlie Arnett, Charlie Thompson, Jule Mcgee, Vicki Imm, and Marcus Morgan. Vicki Imm reported meeting with a security company to get estimates for a security system to be installed in certain parks. Charlie Thompson stated he would get estimates from a different security company. The group will get together and discuss the comparisons before presenting their findings to the Board.
*****A motion was made and passed for up to $600 to be spent on a security camera to be placed at Mid-Point Park. The Security Committee will be responsible for the purchase of the camera.
Peloni has moved the unit at Bridge Park further away from the picnic tables there. The units in all parks have now been replaced.
Park Management SC: John Bryant thanked Larry Clifford, Vicki Imm, and Terry Downs for all the work done at Brennan Park.
John Bryant said that he had been talking to people about the “green” signs, (SC road department), for 37, 43rd, and 129, to direct people to the SC parks. Jule suggested a full sign be placed on 27 about a mile before the entrance. John stated he did not feel it necessary to put up large signs with maps which would be expensive. Joan Nano suggested a smaller sign. Vicki Imm reminded the group additional signs may need to be placed below larger signs that state that TREPO is a deed restricted community and that there should be no discharge of firearms.
Vicki suggested that all vandalism, no matter how small, needs to be reported to the Sherriff’s department in each county and an effort made to catch the violators.
He stated that the electrical box at Brennan Park would have to be put 4 foot above the flood zone. A platform would need to be built with a secured ladder (FEMA code). John stated he would get with Dusty Trail about the construction.
John reported that the SC bathroom had been pressure washed, the door frames/jams changed out, and is ready for painting.
Newsletter Report: Joan Nano stated the number of newsletters this year may be based on need and not regular schedule. The March issue was successful and Charlee Thompson will check his e-mail to see if he was sent a copy and will notify someone if it has not been received. The September/October newsletter may include the by-laws and restrictions for members to read and vote on. Vicki asked if this would mean we would not send a May newsletter reminding people of the park rules for summer and speeding issues in front of Hodor Park. Joan Nano suggested that we enlist help from our sheriff’s department at the picnic and review issues with members. The consensus was to wait on the newsletter.
Old Business: April 14th picnic/President’s picnic: cooking – Glenn Hunter, Mike Wilson, Tommy Tramel, Charlie Arnett; serving and set up for lunch, issuing meal tickets, name tags, taking money, 50/50 tickets – Busy Bees; tent set-up the Friday before picnic – TREPO men; putting up signs – Jule McGee and John Bryant; Mike Wilson will keep up with purchase of supplies. Mike Wilson suggested healthy servings of what member wants to eat. Menu: fish, baked beans, cole-slaw, cheese grits, hushpuppies, tea
New Business: Vicki Imm will invite deputies from SC and CC to our picnic for a free meal. Name tags have been re-done.
Rocky Ford, running for County Commisioner, will be at picnic to introduce self.
Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, (Our Santa Fe River and N. Fl. Sierra Club), running for State Representative, will attend the picnic.
Paul Donsky, Member of the Ichetucknee Alliance, will set up a table and hand out information about protecting the river.
Tom Tramel suggested we invite others running for office in our county to attend the picnic. Sammy Keen volunteered to invite them. *****Motion was made and seconded to invite all candidates to April picnic.
The Finance committee, which met on Monday, made (1) making an easier way to get out of the water at Point Park the number 1 priority and (2) the completion of the vestibule roof a number 2 priority for the year.
Vicki Imm reported on her consultation with Travis Koon: Mr. Koon will research whether becoming an LLC would benefit TREPO. Mr. Koon did suggest that signage such as “use parks at your own risk”, “not responsible for property left unattended”, “not responsible for theft of property” would reduce liability.
Vicki Imm asked if everyone had received a copy of the latest Policies and Procedures for Board approval. Every Board member had not received a copy. A motion made for approval was tabled for the next meeting.
Joan Nano expressed a concern for “lost in the mail” keys and asked if a resolution could be reached including additional “pick-up” days at the clubhouse. Evelyn Johnson stated that few keys had actually been lost in the mail, and that members are notified of the available pick-up dates/due dates/past-due dates, well in advance and that the responsibility to pay for and retrieve the keys, is up to the member and not the volunteers, who are not being paid to provide this service. Someone from the audience suggested that members having two different mailing addresses could be a cause of the problem with lost keys.
Vicki Imm related that Jennifer Embry, who is a renter in Three Rivers on the SC side, would like to be a gate greeter/possible secretary for TREPO. Jule stated that you do not have to be a property owner to be a gate greeter but do have to be a property owner to be elected to the position of Secretary, but someone who is not a member can be appointed to assist the secretary.
Open Forum: Hilda Gilchrist introduced herself as a member of the Ichenetucknee Alliance and invited TREPO members to join the Alliance also. Hilda was invited to come back and share her information with the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:10 p.m.
Linda Hizer