• 20190108 Meeting Minutes

  • TREPO Board Meeting for January 8, 2019  (approved Feb. 5, 2019)
    Board Members Present:  John Bryant, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Absent:  Marcus Morgan (excused), Phylis Rea (excused)
    Officers Present:  Wally Germany, Evelyn Johnson
    Officers Absent:  Millie McGee (excused), Bethany Pierce (excused)
    Alternates Present:  Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson, Charlie Arnett, Linda Hizer
    Guests:  Deborah McClelland, Eddie Thompson (?), Mary Jo Evans
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.  He led the Pledge of Allegiance and began the meeting with a prayer.  Linda Hizer filled in as secretary and called the roll.  Charlie Arnett and Sassy Johnson were asked to complete the Board.  ****A motion was made and passed to allow Charlie Arnett to fill Marcus Morgan’s position as needed due to Marcus Morgan’s extended illness.   A Thank-You letter was read to the Board from Ross and Claire Oliveria.
    The December minutes were passed out by Linda Hizer and approved after correction.  
    Evelyn Johnson reviewed the treasury report and the Board approved the P&L/reconciliation statements.
    Membership Report:  420 keys have been made to be distributed this Saturday at the clubhouse.  Locks will not be changed until the water goes down to a workable level.  Members will be told as they pick up keys.  Lock change date will be posted on the website.
    (Keys will also be distributed the first Saturday of February and March.)
    Park Management SC and CC:  Due to flooding, there is not much to report.  New signs for parks have been made.  Dusty Trail is working on getting the signs ready for placement.   John Bryant is working on grill replacement.  After water goes down, Jule will work on closing the gate gap at Camping Park.  Ongoing:  better exit from river at Point Park/relocating entrance to Hodor Park. 
    Newsletter Report:   We still need to find someone to create our TREPO newsletters.
    Old Business:  Mike Wilson discussed the need to clean up our cemetery.  John Bryant suggested we hire someone to clean it up.  Jule suggested getting the American Legion involved in a clean-up day.  Charlee Thompson will advertise clean-up day on website.  
    New Business:  Joan Nano volunteered to take over Marcus Morgan’s scheduling and posting reservations for pavilions at Point Park.  Mike Wilson volunteered to test the water at Hodor Park.  
    John Bryant shared Vicky Imm’s concern over a shooting incident on the SC side of TREPO.
    Open Forum:  Debbie McClelland expressed her concern about the boat traffic on the river.  
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.           (Linda Hizer)