• 20190205 Meeting Minutes

  • TREPO Board Meeting February 5, 2019 (approved March 5, 2019)
    Board Members Present:  John Bryant, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Jule McGee, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Absent:  Marcus Morgan (excused), Tom Tramel (excused), Glenn Hunter (excused), Sammy Keen (excused)
    Officers Present:  Wally Germany, Millie McGee
    Officers Absent:  Evelyn Johnson (excused), Bethany Pierce (excused)
    Alternates Present:  Karen Mullins, Linda Hizer
    Alternates Absent:  Sassy Johnson (excused), Charlie Arnett (excused)
    Guests:  Patricia Burke, Bill Martin, Jim Johnson, Susan Johnson, Kate Dicksy (?), David Johnson  (Terry Downs)
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at approximately 7:05.  John said the opening prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Linda Hizer filled in for the secretary and called roll.  Karen Mullins was asked to fill an empty position on the Board.  The January minutes were reviewed and passed by the Board.  
    Treasury Report was passed out, reviewed, and passed by the Board.
    Membership Report:  593 members for 2019, SC 138/CC 455 with 43 new members.  *****A motion was made and passed to send out second membership invoices.
    Park Management CC:  Jule McGee stated that due to flooding new locks could not be installed in SC or CC.  Bill Martin has repaired the lock at Camping Park.  The septic units at some parks cannot be accessed due to flooding.  Joan Nano volunteered to call Peloni to service the units at Bridge Park, Mid-Point Park and Boat Ramp Park on the CC side.  Joan Nano also reported the need to replace missing garbage cans (3).  
    Park Management SC:  John Bryant reported the SC parks can not be accessed due to flooding.  He has had one grill built and will continue working on grill replacement.
    Newsletter Report:  Wally Germany volunteered to be the editor/coordinator for the newsletter.  (4 Newsletters per year, establish publishing dates to coordinate with picnics, coordinate with Board members and others for items of interest to our community, contact businesses for advertising, coordinate membership info with Membership Secretary (for mailing) and coordinate with printer)  (The editor receives $100 per Newsletter for 6 pages.  If the Newsletter is longer than 6 pages, $25 extra per page, for example when elections or other info require more pages.)
    The cost for the Newsletter production:  $560 for printing, $240 for postage, $180 for set-up (approximately $980).
    Old Business:  Jule McGee will check with the American Legion for volunteers to help clean the cemetery.  Mile Wilson reminded that the cemetery only needed a cleared path to/around the graves.  Charlee Thompson can advertise a clean-up day on the website.
    A discussion took place about the pros and cons for moving our entrance gate.  *****A motion was made and passed unanimously to keep the main gate where it is.  It was also decided to put a small lock gate by the community center.  
    Mike Wilson will contact Marcus Morgan about how and when to complete our water testing at Hodor Park. 
    New Business:  No new business was offered.
    Open Forum:  A suggestion came from the audience to consider limiting the number of newsletters sent out.
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:39 p.m.
    Linda Hizer