• 20190305 Meeting Minutes

  • March 5, 2019 TREPO Board Meeting Minutes (approved with corrections April 2, 2019)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Joan Nano, Tom Tramel, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson
    Board Members Absent: Marcus Morgan (excused), Laura Dailey (excused), Glenn Hunter (excused), Mike Wilson (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Officers Absent: Bethany Pierce (excused)
    Alternates Present: Linda Hizer
    Alternates Absent: Sassy Johnson (excused), Charlie Arnett (excused), Karen Mullins (excused)
    Guests Present: Steve Allison, Pat Burke, Terry Downs
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. John Bryant led the Pledge of Allegiance and said a prayer. Linda Hizer was asked to fill an empty position on the Board.
    Linda Hizer called the roll and passed out the February minutes. The February minutes were approved by the Board.
    Evelyn Johnson shared the treasury report with a money market account of $32,565.97 as of February 28, 2019 and a net income of $51,092.58 at TD Bank. The treasury report was approved by the Board.
    John Bryant shared the membership report from Michael Foret: 644 members for 2019: 494/CC and 150/SC. We are 13 members ahead of 2018 (631) and 10 ahead of 2017 (634). We have 47 new members, 27/CC and 20/SC. Another invoice was sent to 246 previous unpaid members.
    Park Management CC: Water is receding but not down to normal level. Gate locks were changed the first weekend in March. A discussion took place about the lock at Camping Park and the difficulty of closing the gap between the gate and fence. (The ground consists of rock formations in this area). Various possibilities were discussed including leaving the park unlocked. It was decided to table any decisions at this time, to investigate the situation further, and to consult our lawyer about any liability issues. It was suggested that we call CC about the big holes in the road approaching Camping Park. Two more grills have been replaced at Hodor Park (John Bryant). Sammy Keen will consult SRWM concerning the entrance and exit for tubers at Hodor Park and Point Park.
    Park Management SC: All locks have been changed in the SC parks. The boat ramp is still underwater. Gravel will be needed to place in parks on SC and CC sides eventually.
    Newsletter Report: Wally Germany reported that the newsletter production was on schedule.
    Old Business: Jule McGee wants to get with the American Legion about the cemetery clean-up and agree on a date. Evelyn Johnson let him know the people who live across the street from the cemetery would like to help. Contacting the CC sheriff’s department was discussed to get prisoner help. Water testing with the county is on delay because of flooding (Mike Wilson). Joan Nano will purchase trash cans to replace missing trash cans. Peloni has not charged for the septic units during flooding. Septic units are accounted for.
    New Business: John Bryant will work with Wally Germany on the April picnic/fish fry. Mike Wilson will be consulted about ordering the food.
    Open Forum: It was suggested that TREPO consult our lawyer about a “loud music/noise” ordinance. *****A motion was made and passed to consult our lawyer about creating an ordinance about the cutting down of trees.
    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
    Linda Hizer