• 20190402 Meeting Minutes

  • April 2, 2019 TREPO Meeting Minutes (approved May 7, 2019)
    TREPO Board Members Present: John Bryant, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Glenn Hunter, Jule McGee, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
    TREPO Board Members Absent: Marcus Morgan (excused), Tom Tramel (excused), Sammy Keen (excused), Phyl Rea (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Officers Absent: Bethany Pierce (excused)
    Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson, Charlie Arnett, Linda Hizer
    Guests: Al Mueller, Ann Mueller, Terry Downs, Edward Wilder, Hunter Wilder
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. Mike Wilson led the Pledge of Allegiance and said a prayer. Linda Hizer (acting secretary) called the roll and Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson, and Charlie Arnett filled slots for absent Board Members. Marcus Morgan’s resignation (e-mail) was accepted and Charlie Arnett’s position as Board Member, replacing Marcus Morgan, was recognized as official.
    Linda Hizer passed out the March meeting minutes. The minutes were approved by the Board with the correction that Karen Mullins was absent at the March meeting.
    Evelyn Johnson presented the treasury report which was approved by the Board. (Money Market Balance of $32,576.48 and a balance of $73,029.36 in the TD checking account)
    Membership Report: Charlie Arnett gave the new membership report for Mike Foret. 668 total 2019 members, 512 CC/156 SC; 0 ahead of 2018 and 0 ahead of 2017 at this time; 51 new members, 31 CC/20 SC Flooding seems to be slowing membership down.
    Park Management CC: Jule McGee reported that Dusty Trails has begun clean-up of the parks. Concerns were expressed about “Fishing Park” and the inability to secure the park as well as the ability to do very little to improve the grounds due to frequent flooding.
    *****A motion was made and passed for John Bryant to have 2 more sturdy grills made for our parks.
    Park Management SC: John Bryant reported the water damage at Boat Ramp Park and Brennen Park.
    Newsletter Report: Thanks were expressed to Wally Germany in tackling our recent newsletter.
    Old Business: Mike Wilson reported cemetery clean-up is still on hold….will post on website when arrangements are made. Mike also stated that water testing schedule has been interrupted due to flooding but will resume when water is at normal level. The county has implemented a new water testing program.
    Joan Nano presented the Board with typed recommended changes to the new By-Laws and Restrictions. Laura Dailey stated that ample time was allowed for Board members to respond previously. Discussion of these recommendations were denied by the Chairman of the Board. *****A motion was made and approved, to accept the “Restrictions and By-Laws” as stated in the last presentation to the Board by the appointed committee. Joan Nano voiced her opposition stating that she feared the Board members neglected to read and compare the old and new By-Laws and Restrictions thoroughly. The Restrictions and By-Laws will be posted on our TREPO website for members to review. Membership vote on the Restrictions and By-Laws will take place at the October 2019 picnic.
    TREPO Policies and Procedures will need lawyer approval before the next step is to be taken.
    New Business: Charlee Thompson is working on the TREPO downed website. Charlee Thompson reported a “Go-Daddy” server error was responsible for the malfunction our website. *****A motion was made and passed to use Velocity WiFi as TREPO’s new website server at $100 per month.
    Wally Germany with the help of Mike Wilson, John Bryant, Glenn Hunter and other Board members have the April picnic on track. Millie McGee will have the Busy Bees and others there to serve as well as furnish desserts. Site prep will take place the Friday before the picnic around 5:00 p.m. The menu will be fish, hushpuppies, baked beans, slaw, grits and tea. The meals will be served starting at 12:30 April 13th. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:52 p.m. Linda Hizer