• 20190604

  • June 4, 2019 TREPO Board Meeting (approved July 2, 2019)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnette, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Tom Tramel, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Absent: Glenn Hunter (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Present: Sassy Johnson, Linda Hizer (substitute secretary)
    Alternates Absent: Karen Mullins (excused)
    Guests: Al Mueller, Ann Mueller, Mike Cartwright, Teresa Allison, Steve Allison, Pat Burke, Charles Amick
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00, said a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Hizer called the roll and passed out the minutes to the May meeting which were approved by the Board. Evelyn Johnson reviewed the treasury report and reviewed the $1,000 fund she kept in reserve for gate greeter’s pay. The treasury report was approved with a money market balance of $32,597.18 as of May 31, 2019 and a TD checking account balance of $71,171.35.
    Membership Report: (forgone due to Mike Foret being out of town)
    Park Management CC: Jule McGee reported a record crowd for Memorial Day weekend. Deputy services made a good impact on the crowd. Gate Greeters are being scheduled to cover the parks for the upcoming weekends and holidays. (Joan Nano and Linda Hizer)
    Dusty Trail and his crew cleaned up the inner part of the cemetery and placed rocks on some of the graves. Many positive comments were made about the clean-up. Work on the outside of the cemetery will come at a later date. There are a number of downed trees at Camping Park and Point Park that Dusty will be working on soon.
    Big logs have been placed between the gate and fence at Camping Park. Tom Tramel reported finding boulders that can be purchased for $.15 per pound with a delivery/placement fee of $165. Placement of boulders at Camping Park will be put on hold until success of the log placement can be evaluated.
    Sammy Keen is still trying to get a response from SRWM concerning the creation of a safe exit for tubers/swimmers at Point Park. SRWM wants to do testing of the river flow at some of our parks.
    Part of the fence at Point Park has been knocked down. A part of Boat Ramp Park’s fencing also has been knocked down. John Bryant will seek out more discarded light poles for placement in these locations to prevent vehicles from going through.
    John Bryant has talked to Mike McCray about 3 loads of rock for Boat Ramp Park, 1 load for Hodor Park, and 1 load for Point Park at a cost of approximately $3,250.
    *****A motion was made and approved to purchase white sand for the volley ball court at Hodor Park.
    *****A motion was made and passed for Park Management to spend up to $5,000 per project without having to get special Board permission.
    John Bryant stated the need to purchase a gate to be installed between the clubhouse and the A-frame for entrance of kayaks.
    Park Management SC: Terry Downs did gate greeter duty at the SC Boat Ramp Park during the Memorial Day weekend. Sheriff Deputies had duty for 2 days, 4 hours each day. Having security at the park proved to be very beneficial.
    John Bryant reported that the flood seemed to do little damage to the rocks that were previously placed in the SC parks but may need some rock placement in the picnic table areas. Some fencing may need repair, possibly may replace the fencing with big rocks.
    Newsletter Report: Wally Germany stated the newsletter was ready.
    Old Business: Mike Wilson reported that he would need to do a bleach treatment so our water could pass the water test.
    Hodor Park roof extension, Pavilion circuits project, and Hodor Clubhouse remodeling projects have been tabled for the time being.
    Tom Tramel reminded us about the motion to consult our lawyer about becoming a tree sanctuary. John Bryant stated that he would soon see our lawyer about that and other matters.
    New Business: No new business was presented.
    Open Forum: John Bryant asked for input from our guests. No one offered any questions or statements.
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:09 p.m.