• 20190706 Meeting Minutes

  • July 2, 2019 TREPO Board Meeting (approved August 6, 2019)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Absent: Glenn Hunter (excused), Tom Tramel (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson, Linda Hizer
    Guests Present: Charles Amick, Terrry Downs
    (Two empty slots filled by Karen Mullins and Sassy Johnson)
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Hizer called the roll and asked members to review the June minutes passed out for corrections/ additions. The Board accepted the minutes. Evelyn Johnson reviewed the treasury report and it was approved by the Board. (Money Market TD Account Balance as of June 30, $32,607.36) (Checking TD Account Balance of $45,404.74)
    Membership Report: Charlie Arnett provided the information for Mike Foret: 746 total members, 566 CC/180 SC; 1 less than 2018 at this time of the year; total of 74 new members, 47 CC/27 SC
    *****A motion was made and passed to carry through with the second mailing of membership applications with North Florida Printing Co. ( This was never done by our previously hired printing company.)
    Park Management CC: Security hired for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of upcoming 4th of July weekend , Gate Greeters scheduled
    Dusty Trail has been working on pressure washing pavilions and keeping parks mowed/clean. Bill Martin has moved the electrical system at Point Park up to a higher level to prevent flood damage. Rock has been purchased and spread to repair flood damage in our parks. Sand has been placed in the volley ball area at Hodor Park and maintenance is working on the volleyball net replacement.
    The Point Park and Boat Ramp Park fence has repeatedly been broken down. John Bryant and Jule McGee are working on replacing the existing fence with a newly designed fence.
    Creating an exit at Point Park for tubers and swimmers (entrance for floaters/kayakers at Hodor Park): Sammy Keen has repeatedly tried to contact SRWM without any success. John Bryant plans to contact our county commissioner, Rocky Ford, to see if he can help.
    Jule McGee added there is not enough room for parking especially at Point Park. With the increase in members, the problem will only grow and needs to be dealt with.
    Jule stated the placement of logs between the gate and fence at Camping Park seems to be deterring entrance without a key from vehicles.
    The cemetery is looking much better. Further work may come at a later date.
    (Gate for area between clubhouse and A-frame for kayak entrance?)
    Park Management SC: Security has been hired for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the July 4th holiday weekend. Terry Downs has been handling gate greeter duty and the officers hired. The SC code enforcement has been contacted by John Bryant concerning 2 pieces of property which present an eyesore of sorts.
    John Bryant plans to work on supplying water and electricity to the pavilion at Boat Ramp Park.
    Newsletter Report: Most recent newsletter sent out and received, June edition. Thank you, Wally Germany.
    Old Business: Most recent water test was successful!!! (Mike Wilson)
    Hodor Park Pavilion roof extension (tabled)
    Pavilion Circuits: John Bryant is going to ask Bill Martin to investigate the amperage and advise what actions to take.
    Hodor Clubhouse Remodeling (tabled)
    John Bryant will take our Policies and Procedures to the lawyer for approval.
    Charlee Thompson will place Restrictions and By-Laws on our website for notification. These Restrictions and By-Laws will be voted on in October.
    New Business: John Bryant appointed Sammy Keen to form a committee to investigate realtors advertising that TREPO membership is optional, not mandatory. It was suggested to get in touch with the person in charge of all Florida realtors so that we could notify them that membership is mandatory, not a choice. It was also suggested that the committee investigate the number of people buying property as vacation rentals and what affect this may have on our community. ( It is stated in our restrictions/by-laws that businesses are not permitted to operate in Three Rivers.) It was also noted that the renters coming through our gates were not familiar with our procedures or did not respect/listen to the gate greeter at times.
    Open Forum: John Bryant introduced a man who bought land in Three Rivers. The man was not informed by the realtors that it was mandatory to join the Property Owner’s Association.
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:55 p.m.
    Linda Hizer