• 20190806 Meeting Minutes

  • August 6, 2019 TREPO Board Meeting (approved September 10, 2019)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Absent: Phyl Rea (excused), Charlee Thompson (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Linda Hizer
    Alternates Absent: Sassy Johnson (excused)
    Guests: Terry Downs, Bill Brim, Mary Brallier, Pat Burke, Laura Hunter, Sydne McBride, Peggy Thigpen, Charles (?), Tommy Matthews, Shirley Matthews
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. Mike Wilson led the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. (Karen Mullins and Linda Hizer filled in the open positions on the Board.) Linda Hizer passed out the July minutes and asked for additions/corrections. The minutes were approved. Evelyn Johnson presented the treasury report. The treasury report was approved by the Board.
    Membership Report: Charlie Arnett offered the membership report for Michael Foret: 754 members for 2019, 572 CC/182 SC; 4 behind 2018 (at the same time); 20 ahead of 2017 (at the same time); 78 new members, 50 CC/28 SC. The Board questioned if the second invoice had ever been mailed since the approval to mail it at the last Board meeting.
    Park Management CC: Jule McGee reported that a volley ball net was up at Hodor Park. New grills have been placed at Hodor Park, but new grills are still needed at Point Park and Camping Park. Gate Greeters have been successful at Point Park and Hodor Park. Up to 1,100 guests were received during the July 4th holiday. Picnic tables at Hodor Park have been repaired. Bathroom lights have been a problem in the men’s bathroom and need attention but Bill Martin has had surgery on his shoulder and is recovering.
    Creating an exit at Point Park for tubers/swimmers is still in process. Getting a response from SWRD and the county is difficult.
    Fence reconstruction at Point Park and Boat Ramp Park are still in process. Hiring people to do the work has been a problem.
    Reservation signs are in the process of being made for Hodor Park (2) and Boat Ramp Park (1)(SC). John Bryant asked for a volunteer to coordinate pavilion reservations on the CC and SC sides. Terry Downs will handle the SC side. At this time we have no new coordinator for the CC side.
    Park Management SC: John Bryant reported that the area around the pavilion at Brennen Park is being eroded away. Terry Downs is the sole gate greeter at the SC Boat Ramp Park and has been successful. Two people on the SC side have been sited by the county for having an “eyesore”. John Bryant reported a collision on the Santa Fe River involving a boat and sea-doo type water vehicle. He also reported a 2 boat collision on the Santa Fe River where the Ichetucknee ends. People were injured in both these incidents.
    Newsletter Report: Wally Germany asked for articles for the next newsletter be sent to him by the 26th of August. The date of the next picnic, October 12th, should be noted in the letter. Old Business: Michael Wilson will check to see when the next water testing should be done. He stated that he would do it without the bleaching process.
    Joan Nano noted that some renters did not follow/know the rules and regulations of the parks. John Bryant suggested that she research the names of renters in TREPO and look into notification. It was suggested that something be put in the newsletter about this concern.
    John Bryant appointed Tom Tramel to head up a committee for TREPO becoming a tree sanctuary.
    Sammy Keen reported that members who rent property cannot be charged more for membership according to his sources.
    Linda Hizer suggested that we either decide not to allow vacation rentals in the TREPO area or change our by-laws and include a section that organizes/explains the expectations of the renters using our parks.
    Sammy Keen will attend a meeting for the Board of Realtors concerning the false advertisement concerning TREPO membership being optional.
    New Business: October 12th is the date of our next picnic.
    *****A motion was made and passed to place a barrier of huge rocks around fishing park to prevent vehicles entering the park for “mudding”. Joan Nano voted “no” on this issue.
    Open Forum:
    One of our members relayed the effect that growth has had on Hodor Park and how crowded it has become with kayaks, tubes, and paddle boards. It was suggested that a separate entrance be provided for tubers, kayakers, and paddle boarders at Hodor Park.
    Mary Brallier passed out “Outdoor Ethics” to be read and evaluated for use with our members. Pat Burke suggested that she write an article about this to be included in the TREPO newsletter.
    Adjournment: John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:35.
    Linda Hizer