• 20191001

  • October 1, 2019 TREPO Board Meeting
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Laura Dailey, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Jule McGee, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson
    Board Members Absent: Tom Tramel (excused), Mike Wilson (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson, Linda Hizer
    Guests: Laura Hunter, Terry Downs, Charles Amick, Robert Bess, Kathy Bess, Steve Allison, Jesse Crane, Shirley Matthews, Tommy Matthews, Leanne Custor, Sharon Dunbar Mare, Jackie Moore, Bill Brim, Darcy and Mike Cartwright, Terri Hester
    Karen Mullins and Sassy Johnson were asked to fill in for Tom Tramel and Mike Wilson.
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Hizer called roll and the September minutes were reviewed and approved. Evelyn Johnson related that she had not received the latest bank statements and could not provide the usual treasury reports at the present time. Evelyn will send the reports by e-mail once she has received the necessary reports.
    Laura Dailey shared news about the death of Perrie Whitten. *****The Board voted to send a $100 check to Perrie’s favorite charity and a card to her family.
    Park Management CC: (1) Creating an exit at Point Park for tubers/swimmers is in the process. (2) Placement of rocks at Fishing Park and the buildup of the road there is in the process. (3) Work on the Point Park fence is in the process.
    Park Management SC: (4) Work on Boat Ramp Park pavilion for water/electric/ fence is in the process.
    Newsletter Report: John Bryant praised Wally Germany on the super job getting the articles in and newsletter ready for printing and delivery.
    Old Business: Charlie Arnett reported a “pass” on the water test.
    Sammy Keen reported that he would attend the next realtors meeting concerning advertising membership to TREPO not being optional.
    New Business: Charlie Amick and Terry Downs will manage the By-Laws/Restrictions vote at the October 12th picnic. ***** A motion was made for the cut-off time for voting to be 1:30.
    Laura Dailey reported that the main change in the amendments dealt with no longer including the Suwannee Ranchettes in our membership and making it clear that TREPO membership was not optional. Repetitive information was taken out. Joan Nano suggested that after approval, the new by-laws and restrictions should be mailed out with an explanation of changes. It was brought up that people had a hard time accessing the old and new documents on our website.
    Members will meet at Hodor Park at 5:00 on Friday, October 11th, to put up the tents for the picnic.
    Lunch will be served at 12:30 Saturday with a menu of pulled pork, chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and tea. Our women will provide deserts. The price for adults will be $7.00, $4.00 for children.
    Open Forum: One member expressed her concern for 4-wheelers riding dangerously on the road near her home. She was told to keep calling the sheriff’s department. Members discussed the need to have a noise ordinance of some type in our area. The difficulty of having some type of tree ordinance was discussed. A suggestion was made to make the CC Boat Ramp gate wider because it was not wide enough for some boats. It was clarified that TREPO did not at the present time put a lien on properties which were not listed as members of the association. A member brought up the possibility of putting campers for rent on lots.
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:20.
    Linda Hizer