• 20191105

  • November 5, 2019 TREPO Board Meeting (approved December 3, 2019)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, June McGee, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson
    Board Members Absent: Laura Dailey (excused), Mike Wilson (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Millie McGee, Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Present: Karen Mullins, Sassy Johnson, Linda Hizer
    Guests Present: Terri Hester, Charles Amick, Terry Downs, Tawney Sipple, Deborah McClelland, Shirley Mathews, Tommy Matthews, Regina Severance, Max Wilson, Gail Wilson, April McDaniel, W. Weise, Jesse Crane, Jackie Moore, Derek Moore, Recie Davis, Della Connelly, Mike Connolly, Mary Pergande, Kristen Moriarty, Joanna Kepple
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. John Bryant led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. Linda Hizer called roll after which Karen Mullins and Sassy Johnson were called to fill the empty spaces on the Board. John Bryant apologized to Deborah McClelland for the controversy at the October 12th picnic. The October minutes were passed out for examination. A motion was made and passed to accept the minutes of the October meeting. Evelyn Johnson reviewed the treasury report. The treasury report was accepted with a TD Money Market account balance of $32,649.14 and a TD checking account balance of $49,707.43. Evelyn Johnson stated she was working on the Budget for 2020 and would e-mail it out later.
    Membership Report: The report remains basically the same due to the time of year.
    Park Management CC: (numbers reflect priority)
    Creating an exit at Point Park for tubers/swimmers: Jackie and Derek Moore shared that they had called SRWM and a representative would be at Point Park at 2:00, Thursday, November 7th. John Bryant gave Mr. and Mrs. Moore permission to investigate stair rail placement at Point Park and reclaiming Fishing Park. Everyone from the Board was invited to attend.
    Placement of rocks at Fishing Park/buildup of the road in front of Fishing Park (gate?): Glenn Hunter stated that they were almost ready to proceed with the road. Fence at Point Park – ongoing
    5. CC Boat Ramp Park fence – ongoing
    Park Management SC:
    4. SC Boat Ramp Park pavilion water/electric/fences – ongoing
    News Letter Report: Wally Germany asked for all newsletter articles to be submitted to him within the next few weeks for the end of year newsletter.
    Old Business:
    Mike Wilson will tend to water testing when needed.
    October Picnic Results: Dinners – $690, Expense – $766 (includes food, plates, forks, supplies, etc.), Signs – $120, 50/50 – $56
    October Voting Results for approval of new By-Laws/Restrictions and Covenants: 79 votes no, 39 votes yes:
    Linda Hizer apologized to Glenn Hunter for not addressing him in an appropriate manner at the October 12th picnic. Linda Hizer handed out a list of objections/questions that members had concerning the Board, By-Laws, Restrictions and Covenants. Linda Hizer reviewed them with the Board Members.
    New Business: Tommy Tramel gave a lengthy address to the Board accusing Linda for being rude to Glenn Hunter at the picnic, passing out fliers to some TREPO members, and inciting people to post negative comments on social media sites. He (Tommy Tramel) then made a ****motion that Linda Hizer be investigated for her actions. The motion passed with one objection from Joan Nano.
    I, Linda Hizer asked if someone else needed to take minutes at this time. There was no response from the Board.
    I, Linda Hizer stated that I did pass out fliers to people in our community out of concern that our community had not been informed properly about our By-Laws/Covenants and Restrictions, I have already apologized for my behavior at the picnic, but I am not responsible for what people put out on the web.
    Charlee Thompson spoke out for everyone to “get along”.
    Open Forum:
    Mary Pergande shared some questions and concerns regarding TREPO.
    Deborah McClelland asked for a public apology to the membership for disrupting the picnic from Evelyn Johnson. (John Bryant shared his apology at the beginning of the meeting.)
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting.
    Linda Hizer