• 20200606 Meeting Minutes

  • June 2, 2020 TREPO Board Meeting (approved July 7, 2020)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Phylis Rea, Charlee Thompson, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Absent: Sassy Johnson (excused/replacement for Jule McGee) Laura Dailey (resigned – replaced by Linda Hizer)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Evelyn Johnson
    Officers Absent: Milly McGee (moved)
    Alternates Present: Linda Hizer
    Alternates Absent: Karen Mullins (excused)
    Guests: Candace Britton, Johnny Britton, Debbie McClelland, HC and Dorothy Pawllk, Terri Hester, Jesse Crane, Hank Lowrey, Tommy Matthews, Virginia Seacriss, Regina Severence, Max Wilson, David and Hilda Gilchrist, Abagail Rose, Mary Terry (four names I could not read)
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00 and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer. John Bryant asked Linda Hizer to replace Laura Dailey on the board due to her resignation. Linda Hizer called roll and reminded the Board she would send the minutes by e-mail and provide only a few hard copies at the meeting unless asked to run personal copies. The minutes were passed with one clarification; Tom Tramel made corrections to the minutes stating he made no accusations in the e-mails sent to Board members concerning Linda Hizer and Joan Nano. Evelyn Johnson shared the treasury report which was passed by the Board.
    Membership Report: Charlie Arnett provided information for Mike Foret. Total Membership: 773, 578/CC and 195/SC
    Park Management CC: Jessie Crane and Mike Cartwright are working on a safer entrance to Mid-Point Park which has been delayed due to the parks being locked. (Covid-19) The fence which was knocked down at Boat Ramp Park (CC) has been repaired by John Bryant and Davie Hester. The lock at Point Park was reported broken today. Mid-Point Park lock has been repaired. Problems with the bathrooms at Hodor Park have been reported.
    (2) The Fishing Park project survey has been completed and has been turned over to Wally Germany. Wally reported talking to some county people including Rocky Ford about building up the road and putting up guard rails. An estimate was given to Wally of $19,000.00 for installation with new materials and $11,000.00 using used materials. Wally has suggested that the county pay half and TREPO pay half as an option. Someone suggested building a walk-thru gate. Another person suggested building a drive-thru gate for fishermen. Glenn Hunter stated it may be necessary to have a service gate for emergency access.
    Park Management SC: John Bryant is waiting for someone to do the trenching. Jessie Crane suggested talking to Mike Cartwright about some of the work there. John Bryant said that more lime-rock would be needed at the boat ramps to fill the holes.
    Newsletter Report: Wally Germany stated the printer which was hired left out some pages in the last newsletter. Karen Faunce will work on the next newsletter since it will involve voting preparation.
    Old Business: Gate greeters at Point Park discussed the need to move the rules sign to the front of the entrance so it could be seen easily. Regina Severance reported on the May 29th meeting with Rocky Ford and Ronnie Richardson concerning the “No Wake” petition for TREPO boat ramps. Regina stated that many statutes already existed that would help us and offered a copy to anyone interested. A recent accident concerning 2 boats and a sea-doo was reported.
    New Business: A lawyer from the firm hired to examine our Restrictions and Covenants and By-Laws will be at the next regular meeting. Tom Tramel will be in charge.
    Gate Greeters: Regina Severence and Mary Terry reported a possible problem with illegal keys and non-members coming through the parks. Not enough parking space was also reported. Glass bottles have become a problem in the parks. Terri Hester gave a count of people who have gone through Hodor Park since May 9th:
    Hodor Park Gate Greeter’s count:
    Saturday, May 9: 173 Sunday, May 10: 34 Total: 207
    Saturday, May 16: 314 Sunday, May 17: 242 Total: 556
    Saturday, May 23: 582 Sunday, May 24: 452 Monday, May 25: 148 Total: 1182
    Saturday, May 30: 268 Sunday, May 31: 151 Total: 419
    October Election: Anyone planning to run for the Board, Alternate, or Officer needs to let Evelyn Johnson know and fill out an application. Applications can be found on-line. Linda Hizer can provide anyone with an application.
    Open Forum:
    John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:00 p.m.
    Linda Hizer