• 20200624 Special Meeting Minures

  • June 24, 2020 Special TREPO Board Meeting (approved August 4, 2020)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Sassy Johnson (for Jule McGee), Linda Hizer (for Laura Dailey)
    Board Members Absent: Phylis Rea (excused), Charlie Thompson (excused), Mike Wilson (excused)
    Officers Present: Wally Germany, Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Present: (Sassy Johnson and Linda Hizer replacing Jule McGee and Laura Dailey)
    Alternates Absent: Karen Mullins (excused)
    Guests: Terri Hester, Elaine Davis, Michele Padgett, CA Boone, Larry Thompson, Chad Padgett, Curtis Robertson, Charles Amick, Gloria Spivey, Robert Lyons, Crystal Lyons, Charity Hurst, Ashley Allen, Eric Sweetapple, Tommy Matthews, Mike Cartwright, Teresa and Steve Allison, Dave and Linda Malstron, Drew and Regina Severance, Robert and Jeri Brewin, Vonda Ackerson, Mercelyn McCray, Randall Newton, Lynn and Bill Martin, April and Brent McDaniel, Jesse Crane, Mary Pergande, Debbie McClelland, Sharon Taylor, Laura Hunter
    At approximately 7:00 p.m. John Bryant called the meeting to order. John Bryant said a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. No roll call was taken. John Bryant introduced Glenn Hunter and turned the meeting over to him.
    Glenn Hunter stated the purpose of the meeting was to expedite a vote by the Board to go forward with refiling the present Restrictions and Protective Covenants last filed October 7, 1990. He also stated the Board would not be entertaining any questions from the audience. ****Joan Nano made a motion to refile the 1990 Restrictions and Protective covenants. The motion was seconded by Sammy Keen. The motion was voted on and passed with no objections. There was no call for discussion between the second and the actual vote. Joan Nano read from our current Restrictions and Protective Covenants,
    “1. These Protective Covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming by, through or under them until January 1, 2000, at which time said Protective Covenant shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless, by a vote of the majority of the owners of the lots, it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or in part.”
    ****Tom Tramel made a motion for an addendum to the previous motion to include mailing a copy of the 1990 Restrictions and Protective Covenants to all property owners of Three Rivers Estates expediently. Sammy Keen seconded the motion. Joan Nano raised an objection, questioning the urgency and lack of knowledge about the results from the lawyer’s conference. Linda Hizer stated she did not understand the objection. Glenn Hunter proceeded with the vote. No further discussion about the matter was allowed.
    The Board voted to approve the addendum with two “no” votes from Joan Nano and Linda Hizer. Joan Nano stated there could be no addendum to the original statement of purpose for the meeting.
    Joan Nano questioned how the Restrictions and Protective Covenants would be mailed and that there was no reason to rush. Tom Tramel stated we would follow the advice of our lawyer. Linda Hizer stated that all Board members or parcel owners have not been informed of the results of Tom Tramel’s conferences with the lawyer. Glenn Hunter stated that “We have tried to share with you.” Joan Nano stated she could not support this based on second hand information. The lawyer’s recommendations were not shared with the entire Board or land owners present at the meeting as requested. Members began grumbling but were not allowed to speak.
    Glenn Hunter adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:25 p.m.
    Linda Hizer