• 20200804 Board Meeting Minutes

  • August 4, 2020 TREPO Board Meeting (approved September 1, 2020)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Charlie Arnett, Joan Nano, Linda Hizer, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Sassy Johnson, Charlie Thompson, Mike Wilson
    Board Members Excused: Phylis Rea (excused)
    Officers Present: Evelyn Johnson
    Alternates Absent: Karen Mullins (excused)
    Guests: Derek and Jackie Moore, Leah and Fred Mershon, Skip Clemons, Carl Johnson, Timothy Steele, Terri Hester, Charles Amick, Jesse Crane, Wanda Wilson, Stephen Heston, Tommy and Shirley Matthews, Lisa Kirby, Hank Lowrey, Vonda Ackerson, Debbie McClelland, Mary Pergande, April McDaniell, Jennifer Fryer, Darcy and Mike Cartwright, Laura Hunter
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Hodor Park. He led the opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Hizer called roll and reminded the Board of sending the minutes of the June 24th Special Meeting Minutes and the July 7th Meeting Minutes by e-mail. Copies were offered to anyone who did not print their own. Both sets of meeting minutes were approved by the Board.
    Evelyn Johnson reviewed the treasury report which was sent by e-mail. The treasury report was approved by the Board. The audit and price proposal by Mary Pergande was noted on the agenda. Audit is in process.

    Membership Report:
    Charlie Arnett reported for Michael Foret a total of 820 paid members for 2020. This is 62 ahead of 2018 and 2019. We have 100 new members, 67 CC and 33 SC. Michael Foret will resign at the end of this month. John Bryant reviewed the fantastic job Mike Foret has done. He also asked for volunteers to train for the job of membership secretary.
    Park Management CC:
    Rocky Ford and the CC County Commissioners have completed the embankment fence on the road in front of Fishing Park. A “Thank You” letter will be sent to Rocky Ford and the CC County Commissioners as noted on the agenda. This saved TREPO approximately $22,000. John Bryant pointed out that the money approved for work on Fishing Park was never used except for the survey.
    Broken benches have been repaired at different parks.
    John thanked Davie Hester for unplugging the bathroom at Hodor Park from paper towels being flushed in toilet.
    It was suggested for a crew to examine Mid Point Park to see if it may be beneficial to build another pavilion there and possibly put up a fence to preserve the picnic area. It was also suggested to examine the park for placement of a gate greeter station. Joan Nano offered that Mr. Heinmuller offered his driveway for a gate greeter station. Mike Cartwright stated he was working on a plan to increase the size of the dock there.

    Park Management SC:
    John Bryant reported the difficulty of supplying water and electric to the pavilion at Boat Ramp Park due to flooding or coordinating the availability of the worker’s schedules.
    Newsletter Report:
    Evelyn Johnson spoke for Karen Faunce. Articles are needed by September 7th. Linda Hizer asked if it could be shared who was running for what position, in order to encourage people to run for empty slots (alternates, officers, or board members). Evelyn said that Karen Faunce was handling the election newsletter and would have to be contacted
    Old Business:
    John Bryant shared that it was a buyer’s responsibility to investigate any rules and restrictions that may apply to their land purchase. He stated TREPO has tried to notify realtors in our area of a TREPO membership being mandatory. He stated that Three Rivers has been in existence since 1962. Ever so often things have to be redone. After 30 years, the Restrictions and Protective Covenants have to be refiled.
    Lawyer Report: John Bryant reported meeting with Rachel Butler on July 10th. He reported that an HOA and a POA are viewed as the same in our courts. He has signed the filing notice for SC and CC which will be recorded in a few weeks.
    The attorney has been given a deposit to begin the procedure for mailing the Restrictions and Protective Covenants to all persons owning property in Three Rivers Estates. (approximately 600 in SC and 1,200 in CC) $2,419.20 will cover the cost for copies of notices, envelopes, mailing labels and stamps. $20 per hour will be paid to fold, stamp, and stuff the envelopes. The notices will all be mailed at the same time and sent out before the October 6th expiration date. We will be notified when the letters are ready to be sent.
    The agenda reflected estoppel statements charged 1 year’s fee plus late fees when a property owner sells land.
    New Business:
    John Bryant shared the possibility of there being no picnic in October due to Covid 19. A contingency plan will need to be worked on. This plan will be put in the newsletter.
    Open Forum:
    Debbie McClelland asked why were we reported as an HOA in 2016 on the internet and in the county. Joan Nano stated she was on the Board in 2016 and was unaware of us being posted as an HOA. She stated Charlie Arnett, Mike Foret, and Jule McGee were listed as Board members. Joan Nano asked why the other Board members were not included and why she knew nothing about it. A copy of the paperwork was passed out to the Board. Charlie Arnett stated he had never seen it before.
    A member from the audience asked for HOA and POA to be clarified. (Skip Clemons) He also asked if the Board had ever taken action against an unpaid member. Joan Nano stated that it was in our documents that a lien could be placed if the Board chose to do so.
    Skip Clemons stated all members should help with the parks or we could lose them and suggested a fee scale which would be different for those who used the parks and those who did not.
    Jessie Crane asked if it could be put before all members to vote on whether we would become an HOA or not. He stated that there were other options available according to Chapter 720:3032.
    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:50.
    Linda Hizer