• 20201006 Meeting Minutes

  • October 6, 2020 TREPO Board Meeting Minutes (approved Nov. 3, 2020)
    Board Members Present: John Bryant, Joan Nano, Linda Hizer, Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, Sassy Johnson, Phyl Rea, Charlee Thompson
    Board Members Absent: Charlie Arnett (excused), Mike Wilson (excused)
    Officers Present: Evelyn Johnson
    Officers Absent:
    Alternates Present:
    Alternates Absent: Karen Mullins (excused)
    Guests: Vicki Imm, Lee Shaver Chandley, James Chaplin, Gerry Murphy, Rick Palm, Sandy Tan, Steve and Teresa Allison, Vonda Ackerson, Skip and Jeanette Clemons, Tommy and Shirley Matthew, Regina Severence, Eddie and Donna Thompson, Debra Martin, Terri Hester, John Lucas, Jesse Crane, William Talmadge, Susan Johnson, Laura Hunter, Michael Carman, Joel and Marian Buzbee, Bill Brimm, Jeff Jenkins, John Harden, Daniel Prince, Christina Prince, Joe Foley, Sherri Williams, Lisa Kirby, April McDaniel
    John Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Linda Hizer called roll, asked if all had received an agenda and copy of the minutes via e-mail, and offered copies of each if needed. The September minutes were approved by the Board.
    Evelyn Johnson reviewed the treasury report. The treasury report was approved by the Board. (TD Money Market Account: $32,722.21 TD Checking Account: $63,625.27)
    Membership Report: There is a total of 830 paid members for the year 2020 (618 CC and 212 SC), 108 new members (72 CC and 36 SC).
    Park Management CC: Mike Cartwright is working on plans for Mid-Point Park, rebuilding of dock. Grass at Point Park needs to be mowed.
    Park Management SC: Work has begun at Boat-ramp Park. A telephone pole has been donated and the trench is being dug for power and water. John Bryant stated if people wanted a clean-up day at Brennan Park for them to organize it and let Charlee Thompson know so he could post it on the website.
    Newsletter Report: No report was made.
    Old Business: The Restrictions and Protective Covenants should be mailed this week by the lawyer.
    October Election: Skip Clemons recognized the candidates, running for election, who were present; (Board) John Bryant, (Mike Cartwright), Tom Tramel, Glenn Hunter, Sammy Keen, (Charlie Arnett), ( Mary Terry ), Linda Hizer, Vonda Ackerson, Jesse Crane, Tommy Matthews, Regina Severence, Lisa Kirby, (treasurer) Evelyn Johnson, (alternates) Rick Palm and Sassy Johnson. Write-ins are Terri Hester for president , Randy Newton for vice-president, and Bethany Pierce for secretary, Linda Hizer offered that she thought Mary Pergande was a write-in for treasurer, Ballots need to be received by October 9th. Ballots need to be clearly marked and have your membership number on it. Mark the correct number of candidates and no more, or the ballot will be thrown out. One member gets one vote. Michael Brecheen, pastor of Fort White United Methodist Church, and 2 TREPO members will count the ballots.
    *****A motion was made and passed to donate $100 to Fort White United Methodist Church.
    New Business: A report has been made that the “No Hunting” signs in SC are missing and need replacement. John Bryant will provide the signs to be replaced.
    Open Forum: Lee Shaver Chandley stated that her son, who is in a wheelchair, has a difficult time getting in and out of the gate at Hodor Park. Furthermore, it is difficult for him to maneuver around the parks and wondered if TREPO parks are ADA compliant. She also stated she did not get a newsletter.
    It was reiterated that only paid members could vote in this election.
    Jesse Crane invited all to come to a member’s picnic, free for all on Saturday, October 10th from about 11:00 to 1:00.
    Jessie Crane asked how it would be figured who would get the 2 year slots and who would get the 4 year slots on the ballot. Evelyn Johnson stated whoever had been on the board before would get the 4 year terms and if they had not, they would get the 2 year terms but was not sure.
    Shirley Matthews shared a problem at Fishing Park where 4-wheelers had gained access to the park at the ends of the rail.
    Adjournment: John Bryant adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:50 p.m.
    Linda Hizer