• 20210504 Meeting Minutes

  • 20210504 Minutes


    Minutes from TREPO meeting held May 4, 2021 Meeting was called to order by the chairman at 7:00pm

    Invocation and pledge of allegiance led by the chairman.


    Roll call: All officers, board members, and alternates were present except the following: Randy Newton, Bethany Pierce, Charlee Thompson, Phyl Rea, Lisa Kirby, and Charlie Arnet. Tom Trammel suggested the board approve or deny absence individually.

    Randy Newton told a member (not a board member) that he had to go home right quick. It was decided we would table his absence and address it at the end of the meeting to give him a chance to return.


    Bethany Pierce, Joan Nano said she was in the hospital. No email notification was received. Joan Nano made a motion to approve Bethany’s absence, no second was received. Motion dies.


    Charlee Thompson- Tom Trammel made a motion to approve absence, Sammy Keen second the motion. No discussion, motion approved.


    Charlie Arnet-Tom Trammel made a motion to approve absence, Sammy Keen second the motion. No discussion, motion approved.


    Phyl Rea- Tom Trammel made a motion to approve absence, Sammy Keen second the motion. No discussion, motion approved.


    Lisa Kirby- She sent an email asking to be excused for family matters. Tom Trammel made a motion to approve absence, Sammy Keen second the motion. No discussion, motion approved.


    Motion to approve the Agenda made by John Bryant, Second by Sammy Keen, No discussion, motion approved.


    Treasurer report: Vicki Imm reported that Bank statements reconciled for February and March 2021 April’s in process. Bank Balances as of April 30,2021: TD Bank Checking $79,104.56 TD Bank Money Market $32,741.11 Drummond Community Bank $31,704.32  Total $143,549.99


    Motion to approve the Treasurer report made by John Bryant, second by Joan Nano. No discussion, motion approved.


    No Secretary Report


    President Report-Terri Hester Terri was grateful to all volunteers who helped with the fish fry, set-up, cooking, clean up. A very good turnout with a lot of compliments. Thanks to the Young Marines who helped us serve the food. We had about 140 people.


    Terri also said gate greeters will start on Memorial Day weekend. Taking letters of those interested in serving as a greeter. Need to submit a letter, why you want to serve, if volunteer or intend to be paid.


    Need those request by May 18th• If you are paid, it is $10 hour and you will be given a 1099 and checks are only once a month.


    Skip Clemmons led a discussion that board members can get paid for being a gate greeter. TREPO is not paying them to be on the board, the compensation is for service at our gate.


    Park Management- John Bryant- 2 new grills have been made. One at hodor and one at Suwannee County Boat ramp. We have one extra and another one is being made now. Spick was fixed at Hodor Park. Point park lock was fixed. Someone indicated Columbia County boat ramp lock needs attention.


    Tommy Matthews-Signs project-The sign at Utah and 27 is going to require more work than anticipated and will require more money.  The sign at Wilson Springs and Newark will be easier but both signs will be installed at the same time. Mr. Matthews requested more funds $1,500 (previously approved 2,500). John Bryant made the motion to approve an additional $1,500 for the signs. Second by Sammy Keen.

    Joan Nano opposed the motion, motion was passed.


    Communication  Committee-Vonda Ackerson- She has been working on membership.  Count is: Columbia County 671, Suwannee County 225 total 896. Still processing a few old checks, but most requests have been filled. A few letters and calls have been made on old checks and waiting for a response from the member. But every day Vonda gets new request for keys. Joan Nano asked when the board should receive a copy of the members list. Vonda advised it is 95% correct, so very soon.


    Park Committee head by Tom Trammel-this committee met on 4/13/21. They have discussed all issues involving our parks and by the next meeting will make recommendations. Joan Nano requested a list of all the members of this committee. Terri Hester, Charlee Tompkins, Sammy Keen, Skip Clemmons, Rede Davis, Shirley Matthews, Hilda, James Baker, Tom Trammel.


    Presentation on Neighborhood Watch by Sgt. Clint Dicks Columbia County Sheriff Department. Communication, Organize & Plan is key components on having a successful neighborhood watch.


    Chairman advised Mike Wilson resigned at the last meeting. We would need to replace him with the next alternate in line which is Sassy Johnson. Tom Trammel made a motion to accept her as a board member and John Bryant second the motion. No discussion and motion passed.


    Chairman recognized that Randy Newton did not return to the board meeting. Chairman asked if there was a motion to approve his absence. No one made a motion so his absence is unexcused.


    Old business-Sammy stressed the importance of keeping the gates locked. Several people spoke up that they have to close and lock the gates numerous times a day. As members we should ALL take it upon ourselves to close and lock all our gates.


    Chairman opened the floor to members.


    Karen Saunders asked about the sign that was approve for Wilson Spring and Newark. Tommy Matthews advised the sign was approved but cannot be put up until the sign at Utah and 27 is ready. They must be done together.


    James Baker-Wanted to know about Open Container ordinance in the county. Chairman advised it will be referred to the park committee to research. (Ordinance of ’95)


    Jerry Murphy- Opposes changing the spring on the gate at hodor so it doesn’t stay open. He advised people on walkers, wheel chairs and scooters will have a hard time coming into the park if it won’t stay open. The gate is very heavy and could hurt someone.


    Tom Trammel made a motion to adjourn and John Bryant second the motion. No discussion, motion passed.