• 20210914 Meeting Minutes



    Trepo Minutes from September 14, 2021
    Call to order by Chairman at 7:10 pm. Sammy Keen led the invocation and Glenn Hunter led the pledge of Allegiance.
    All officers and board members were present except: Randy Newton, Bethany Pierce, Tom Trammel and Lisa Kirby.
    Tom Trammel is out of town and Lisa Kirby sent an email to be excused because of family illness. A motion was made by Charlee Thompson to excuse the members that called or sent an email to be excused. Vonda Ackerson seconds the motion. No one opposed. Motion passed.
    Welcome back to Charlie Arnett and Phyllis Rea!
    Motion made by Sammy to approve the agenda, second by Charlie Arnett. No one opposed. Motion passed.
    Minutes from the August meeting were previously emailed and a motion was made to accept those minutes by John Bryant and second by Tommy Matthews. No one opposed. Motion passed.
    Secretary Report: nothing to report, position vacant.
    Treasury Report: Vicki Imm & Carole Strickland (TREPO bookkeeper) handed out the financial reports. Balance in TD Bank is zero; that account is closed. The balance in the Drummond checking account is $69,276.08. The new Drummond savings account just opened for our reserves has a balance of $50,000.00 The new Drummond checking account opened up for online membership renewals has a balance of $1,199.20. The grand total is $120,475.28. Motion to accept the Treasury report made by John Bryant and second by Charlee Thompson. No one opposed. Motion passed.
    Presidents Report: Terri Hester advised Randy Newton has resigned due to health reasons. Membership is fast approaching and keys need to be ordered for next year. Glenn Hunter will order since there is a shortage of brass and may take longer than usual to receive keys. There have been two key pick-up dates set for next year, January 22nd and February 19th. If another date is needed it will be established and communicated. Terri advised Chris our DJ would like permission to stay until 7 pm when performing Karaoke instead of 6 pm. A motion was made by John Bryant to accept and second by Charlee Thompson. It has also been suggested the first couple of hours’ children can participate in karaoke and then the last couple of hour’s adults only. Terri also met with the water well inspector. It has been suggested we test our water for lead and nitrate. Inspector also suggested we install vacuum breakers and/or backflow preventers. Terri Hester will handle this update to our well. A motion was made by Charlee Thompson to approve funds up to $350 to cover expenses. Second by Sammy Keen. No one opposed. Motion passed. Terri advised water must be tested every quarter. Terri requested a letter be sent to a member regarding abusive verbal altercations at Hodor Park. The board is in agreement to send this member a warning letter that this will not be tolerated. Jesse suggested rope and buoys be put into our swimming area at Hodor Park. FWC can then enforce no boats allowed in the designated swimming area. Karen Sanders advised she witnessed this abusive behavior at the park and it all started by Terri asking the member to move his boat from the swimming area.
    Maintenance/Park Report: John Bryant reported parks are still flooded so mowing and maintenance cannot begin until the water recedes. Plans are to mow the boat ramp next week. Suwannee is still flooded. Point Park, obvious four-wheelers are tearing up the park which is deep mud due to the flooding. Glenn left the decision up to Terri to lock the gate to keep all members out until things dry out. Lime Rock has been ordered for midpoint. Jesse suggested millings instead of lime rock for the gate to the road. Jesse removed the barbed wire from Bridge Park but the wooden fence needs to be repaired. Jesse will measure and John Bryant will buy the wood and have it repaired.
    Communications Committee Report: Vonda Ackerson reported members to count: 709 Columbia county and 240 Suwannee county, total of 949 members.
    Discussion Items: Park Committee report- Tom Trammell no report he is out of town. Glenn advised the job description for park manager is being worked on and the last quarter of the year will be considering who can fill this position. Hopeful to have a Park Manager in place by January. Camera Security; Charlee Thompson: 4,700 feet of new cable was pulled last week and upgraded our infrastructure. Cameras are on back order. New filters were installed and as a result there have been 80 requests denied to access porno sites from Hodor Park. Fall Festival: Vicki Imm advised the hours of the festival will be 10-2. She advised to date we have vendors with 15 tables. Our DJ will play music and Ruben has volunteered to cook. Cooking and food will take place in the small pavilion as the large one is reserved for vendor tables and our DJ. Games are being planned and we welcome volunteers. Vonda is researching the purchase of a popcorn machine, Cotton candy and Snow cone machine. Ruben will sell his popcorn machine to TREPO for $100. A motion was made to approve up to $1,000 for Vonda Ackerson to purchase items for the fall festival that can be used for future events. Motion to accept made by John Bryant and second by Charlee Thompson. No one opposed. Motion passed.
    Old business: Light pole on hold at Columbia Boat ramp on hold because of flooding. Signs installed on hold, Glenn reported He is searching graphics previously used and it’s taking some time to find those to use. We need signage to be uniform throughout all our parks and entrances.
    Open Property Owners comments to the board: Jesse advised he is willing to volunteer to spread dirt or rock with his equipment. Joan asked about wooden signs and the board advised those signs are very expensive in excess of $2,000 each. Joan questioned minutes already approved for June meeting. Page 3 complaint was received regarding unacceptable behavior by a board member on social media. Glenn advised he is willing to meet with her outside of the board meeting to discuss. Bill Brim wanted to discuss the member that was mentioned on social media regarding establishing a trailer park. Glenn advised code enforcement came out and it will not happen. It was mentioned if the bathrooms at Hodor Park are still locked and the answer is yes. Glenn will ask vendor that provides our portable potties to come out and see if the water table is down enough to open them back up. Chris, our DJ asked is it possible to install a walking path/bike trail along Newark. The board said this is the county right of way; he needs to contact the county commissioner for support. Eric Sweetwater asked if we could get all of our parks on a mowing schedule. John Bryant will handle this request.
    Motion to adjourn by Charlie Arnett and second by John Bryant. No one opposed. Motion passed.