• Agenda April 2021

  • TREPO Board Agenda_040621


    TREPO Board Meeting
    Hodor Park
    Fort White, FL 32038
    April 6th, 2021 7:00pm

    1) Call to order
    2) Invocation
    3) Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag
    4) Roll call
    5) Request Board to approve excused members
    6) Approve agenda
    7) Approve March minutes
    8) Secretary’s Report
    9) Treasurer’s Report
    10) President’s Report
    11) Maintenance Committee Report
    12) Communications Committee Report
    13) Discussion/Action Items
    a) Park related concerns
    i) Volume level of audio
    ii) Profanity and behavior
    iii) Dusk to dawn closure
    iv) Gates and bathrooms being left unlocked and unattended
    b) Court Cases
    i) Hizer and Crane
    ii) Bethany Pierce
    c) Hire a bookkeeper
    14) New Business
    15) Old Business
    16) Open property owner comments to the Board
    a) Time limit of 2-minutes per person
    17) Adjourn