Below is a copy of our By-Laws and the Covenants and Restrictions. Also included on this page are the treasury reports, latest newsletters, and a membership application.
By-Laws for Three Rivers Estates
Restrictions and Covenants
Deed Restrictions
TREPO Board Meeting Hodor Park Fort White, FL 32038 AGENDA March 15, 2022 7:00pm Call to order Invocation Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag Roll call Request Board to approve excused members Approve agenda Approve September minutes Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report President’s Report Maintenance Committee Report [...]
TREPO Board Meeting Hodor Park Fort White, FL 32038 AGENDA February 8, 2022 7:00pm 1) Call to order 2) Invocation 3) Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag 4) Roll call 5) Request Board to approve excused members 6) Approve agenda 7) Approve September minutes 8) Secretary’s Report 9) Treasurer’s Report 10) President’s Report 11) Maintenance Committee Report 12) Communications Committee Report 13) Discussion/Action Items a) Park Committee [...]
Trepo Minutes from October 12, 2021 Meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:00pm. Invocation by John Bryant and pledge of Allegiance by the Chairman. Roll Call: All members present except for, Sassy Johnson, Charlee Thompson, Lisa Kirby, Joan Nano, and Phyl Rea. The position of Vice President is vacant. John Bryant made a motion to approve Phyl Rea from the meeting and was second by Charlie Arnett. No one apposed, motion passed. A motion was made by John Bryant to approve the [...]
In an effort to ensure our members and guest have the best internet experience while visiting our parks we are making changes to our network. The new network name is "TREPO – Guest" There is no password for this network Why the name change? There are several reasons for the change but changing the name was to be able to move slowly to the new network and to have Wi-Fi names (SSIDs) at both Hodor and Suwannee Boat Ramp the same so that our members could auto-connect. [...]
Due to Summer Scheduling and many of the board members being out of town, we have rescheduled the June 2021 board meeting for the 29th. This meeting will combine June and July 2021 so we do not expect a board meeting in July. This will take care of the July 4th holiday as many people will be out of town that week. This was agreed upon by all but 1 board member.
In the interest of transparency, it has been brought to the board's attention that the Secretary and her assistant have not mailed out any keys to date. We would like to apologize for this as we were told that they would be mailed out over two weeks ago and as such we have given people the wrong information. We apologize that members were told at Key pick up on January 23rd that keys would be mailed out the first of the week. The board is working on a solution to get keys mailed out as quickly [...]
(C) {2025} | Maintained by: Velocity WiFi