Below is a copy of our By-Laws and the Covenants and Restrictions. Also included on this page are the treasury reports, latest newsletters, and a membership application.
By-Laws for Three Rivers Estates
Restrictions and Covenants
Deed Restrictions
20210504 Minutes Minutes from TREPO meeting held May 4, 2021 Meeting was called to order by the chairman at 7:00pm Invocation and pledge of allegiance led by the chairman. Roll call: All officers, board members, and alternates were present except the following: Randy Newton, Bethany Pierce, Charlee Thompson, Phyl Rea, Lisa Kirby, and Charlie Arnet. Tom Trammel suggested the board approve or deny absence individually. Randy Newton told a member (not a board [...]
TREPO Board Agenda_040621 TREPO Board Meeting Hodor Park Fort White, FL 32038 AGENDA April 6th, 2021 7:00pm 1) Call to order 2) Invocation 3) Pledge of allegiance to U.S. Flag 4) Roll call 5) Request Board to approve excused members 6) Approve agenda 7) Approve March minutes 8) Secretary’s Report 9) Treasurer’s Report 10) President’s Report 11) Maintenance Committee Report 12) Communications Committee Report 13) Discussion/Action Items a) Park related [...]
TREPO, INC December 8, 2020 The regular monthly meeting for TREPO was called to order by Chairman Glenn Hunter, on December 8, 2020* at 7:05pm at the Pavilion in Hodor Park *The original meeting on December 1, 2020 was postponed due to extreme cold weather. All board members and officers were present except Phyllis Rhea (excused as sick) and Mike Wilson. Sign-in sheet attached. A quorum is present. Secretary Report- Bethany requested to establish assigned duties for website, Facebook [...]
We have been working with our friends at Suwannee County Emergency Management and have come up with a way for them to post directly on our website. As the storm approaches please stay tuned to for any public announcements from Suwannee County Emergency Management. Useful Links Suwannee County Emergency Management (Website) Suwannee County Emergency Management (Facebook) [...]
July 2020 Board Rescheduled for the 19th at 7 PM at the Clubhouse.
Attention There will NOT be a TREPO board meeting tomorrow night, January 18th. All 11 board members agreed to postpone due to sickness, COVID-19, and the cold temperatures. Our clubhouse will not accommodate everyone at a safe social distance and it will be too cold to have it outside. It is a board meeting and ALL board members felt it is in the best interest of the community as a whole to postpone at this time. We will let everyone know when the meeting will be rescheduled. Please let your [...]
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