• Meetings

  • TREPO Board Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 PM. These meetings are open to the members of our community. If you want to know what is going on in your community these meetings are a great place to start! 


    Scroll down the page to find other events that may interest you

  • Board Meeting

    20211012 Meeting Minutes

    Trepo Minutes from October 12, 2021 Meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:00pm. Invocation by John Bryant and pledge of Allegiance by the Chairman. Roll Call: All members present except for, Sassy Johnson, Charlee Thompson, Lisa Kirby, Joan Nano, and Phyl Rea. The position of Vice President is vacant. John Bryant made a motion to approve Phyl Rea from the meeting and was second by Charlie Arnett. No one apposed, motion passed. A motion was made by John Bryant to approve the [...]

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    20210914 Meeting Minutes

        Trepo Minutes from September 14, 2021 Call to order by Chairman at 7:10 pm. Sammy Keen led the invocation and Glenn Hunter led the pledge of Allegiance. All officers and board members were present except: Randy Newton, Bethany Pierce, Tom Trammel and Lisa Kirby. Tom Trammel is out of town and Lisa Kirby sent an email to be excused because of family illness. A motion was made by Charlee Thompson to excuse the members that called or sent an email to be excused. Vonda [...]

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    20210629 Meeting Minutes

    https://youtu.be/GTASrA1Fxsg June 29th 2021 TREPO Minutes from June 29, 2021 Call to order by Chairman at 7:00pm.  Glenn Hunter led the invocation and pledge of Allegiance. All officers and board members were present except: Randy Newton, Bethany Pierce, Sammy Keen, Phyl Rea, Charlie Arnett, and Mary Brailer. Motion to excuse Charlie Arnett, Phyl Rea, Sammy Keen and Mary Brailer by John Bryant, second by Charlee Thompson.  Motion passed. Motion made to approve the Agenda by [...]

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    20210810 Meeting Minutes

    Board Meeting August 10th 2021

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    20210504 Meeting Minutes

    20210504 Minutes   Minutes from TREPO meeting held May 4, 2021 Meeting was called to order by the chairman at 7:00pm Invocation and pledge of allegiance led by the chairman.   Roll call: All officers, board members, and alternates were present except the following: Randy Newton, Bethany Pierce, Charlee Thompson, Phyl Rea, Lisa Kirby, and Charlie Arnet. Tom Trammel suggested the board approve or deny absence individually. Randy Newton told a member (not a board [...]

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  • Meeting Minutes

    If you are looking for Meeting Minutes from any of the Board Meetings please click the link below.


    Date format is Year, Month, Day which makes it easier for a computer to put things in order. We all like Month, Day, Year better but you wouldn't want a folder with January and in that folder, there is a 1st folder and in that is multiple years. Using a YYYYMMDD format we can quickly find the information we are searching for. 

    The January 12th, 2021 board meeting would be titled 20210112 Bard Meeting

    Click this link to see all the minutes from previous board meetings


  • Community Events

    The Board has requested that the meeting for February 2nd, 2021 be held at the Fort White Community Center located at 17579 FL-47, Fort White, FL 32038 at 7 PM    

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    Key pick up Saturday 1/23/21 from 9 am to 1 pm. Members, please bring a photo ID to get your keys and we are asking to have only 2 members in the clubhouse at a time to get their keys. We would like everyone to wear a mask if they can and I will bring hand sanitizer. Thank you, Bethany

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    Event by Three Rivers Estates 404 SW Riverside Ave, Fort White, FL 32038-4640, United States Saturday, January 23, 2021 at 9 AM EST – 1 PM EST 50–66°F Mostly Cloudy Don't wait to pick up your park keys. Key pickup is in person on Jan 23rd. Any keys not picked up at this event will be mailed.

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